
We Want to Hear From You

We are dedicated to accomplishing our mission and mandate through collaboration, transparency and accessibility to all partners in the criminal justice community. As we grow, we will be publishing our policies on all subjects required by the Michigan Indigent Defense Commission Act. See MCL 780.989. In the meantime, we hope that the information on this website has been helpful to understanding the Michigan Indigent Defense Commission.


If you have general questions about our work, please visit our FAQ page.

If you have specific questions about the implementation of standards, or if you have outstanding concerns, please contact us below.


The MIDC has established a form for submitting recommendations or complaints to the Commission.  The form is available online as a .pdf document or can be filled out and mailed using Microsoft Word.

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The Michigan Indigent Defense Commission is established within the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs.

For information about the Freedom of Information Act Process for the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, please click here.